It's snowing, or "Honey, is the dog sled ready?"

Now, we will have to face off yet another surprise courtesy of Mother Nature – the forecast for today is heavy snowfall with a chance of blizzard. The game managed to find more than 2 million buyers, and in September last year we had the opportunity to play After Dark – the first official add-on, introducing a day and night cycle and a number of novelties related to the functioning of a city after the sun goes down. Today, nearly a year after its release, Cities: Skylines is a title with an established position on the market.

It had great ratings, outstanding playability, and worked like a charm – what more could you possibly ask for? Luckily, however, Cities: Skylines appeared soon afterwards, and it became clear that the production from the Finnish studio Colossal Order was exactly what all the urban designers were waiting for. These concerns were fueled even further by Cities XXL, which turned out to be a virtually unchanged copy of the previous installment in the series.